Many hopefuls have ventured to find the heart of New York City. An impossible quest. So while we won’t nail down the notoriously elusive either, let’s walk her streets where our chances are excellent that New York will find us. Each episode, we’ll explore a neighborhood, wander into moods and moments, learn about the city, and let her teach us some lessons, too. We’ll also invite some of New York’s most fascinating minds along with their stories of determination, perseverance, and triumphs. So come walk with us. Literally, take this podcast out for a stroll and let the rhythm of your feet ignite your mind. Enjoy that brain-boosting effect of a walk, scientifically proven to spark creative inspiration and flashes of insight. You’ll come home with a shiny new perspective, your very own New York State of Mind.
A Podcast for the
New York State of Mind
About Yvonne
Born in East Berlin, Yvonne Vávra had her first encounter with magical chaos when the wall came down opening up a whole new world of bananas, chewing gum, and freedom. It was as if someone had turned on the lights — a feeling she experienced tenfold when she first came to New York. This was it. It was on. She authored the book “111 Gründe New York zu lieben” (111 Reasons to Love New York) and writes for several German magazines. Check out some of her pieces here and on Medium. To release the madness that is her love for New York, she walks its streets voraciously. For hours on end, destinations be damned. She’s the kind of New Yorker who, when faced with sewer steam and urine smell, can't help but feel just a bit sentimental.
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